
Whats going on at Body Wellness, wellness tips, special promotions, and more!

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Need Bodywork? Get it for FREE

Hello all, Happy friday!  Today I am doing a special FB promotion.  I will be giving away 2 FREE bodywork/massage sessions, and other discounts too.  Here is the scoop;  the first 2 folks to comment on and share this post will get a free initial session ($70 value) and anyone after that im offering $15 […]

New Art

Here is some new artwork I received from a very talented and generous artist, Tara De Goutiere. Thanks Tara!

Chronic Inflamation and Pain. Explination and natural remedies.

Hello all,  I just wanted to share this great article written by Nancy Utter ND, of Durango Natural Medicine. ~SJW

Moved In

I have now officially moved in to my new location, and am up and running, in the same office as Biokinetic Solutions.  It is a very nice office and Dr Davis and I offer a wide range of treatments.  Give me a call for more info. -Scott

I’m Moving

San Juan Wellness will be moving to a new location this week!  The new address is 72 Suttle St, Suite B in Bodo Park.  It is just 2 streets south of the Centennial shopping center (Office Depot).  There is a map on the contact page too. I am moving in with Rodney Davis, D.C.  of  […]