» 2013

Flat feet and fallen arches

Here is a brief explanation of how a fallen arch affects the body.  It is also a great example of how dysfunction in one joint or muscular system can make a significant change in structures both above and below it.  Everything is connected. – B Well

Client testimonial

Here is a testimonial from another happy client. “After I experienced whiplash number 5, I was so traumatized I couldn’t bring myself to stretch or strengthen my neck and shoulders. For years I had already been dealing with chronic neck and head pain. As an RN I realize the importance of post injury therapies for […]

New Name- Body Wellness

Hello all, This is just quick update.  I have decided to change my business name and structure a bit.  The new name is “Body Wellness”.  As far as structure goes, it is my goal to start providing more all encompassing wellness services.  This means my treatments will include even more stretching, mobility, strengthening, corrective exercise, and […]

Injured on the job?

If you have been recently injured on the job and are undergoing the work-comp system, you may be able to receive bodywork for free!  Many work-comp primary Physicians refer and prescribe massage therapy as a part of treatment for soft tissue injuries.  Myofascial therapy is an integral part of the healing process in soft tissue injuries. […]

Insurance billing options update.

Finally after a very tedious application process I have been accepted by Landmark Healthcare as an in network provider.  This will include Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield.  Starting in August I will be able  to bill these providers.  Many of Durango’s large employers (9R, FLC, Mercury Payments, and Southern Ute Indian Tribe) use these providers for […]

Need Bodywork? Get it for FREE

Hello all, Happy friday!  Today I am doing a special FB promotion.  I will be giving away 2 FREE bodywork/massage sessions, and other discounts too.  Here is the scoop;  the first 2 folks to comment on and share this post will get a free initial session ($70 value) and anyone after that im offering $15 […]

New Art

Here is some new artwork I received from a very talented and generous artist, Tara De Goutiere. Thanks Tara!

Chronic Inflamation and Pain. Explination and natural remedies.

Hello all,  I just wanted to share this great article written by Nancy Utter ND, of Durango Natural Medicine. ~SJW

Moved In

I have now officially moved in to my new location, and am up and running, in the same office as Biokinetic Solutions.  It is a very nice office and Dr Davis and I offer a wide range of treatments.  Give me a call for more info. -Scott

I’m Moving

San Juan Wellness will be moving to a new location this week!  The new address is 72 Suttle St, Suite B in Bodo Park.  It is just 2 streets south of the Centennial shopping center (Office Depot).  There is a map on the contact page too. I am moving in with Rodney Davis, D.C.  of  […]